Everything You Need To Know About Betting On The NBA

What To Know About Betting On The NBA 

Even though betting on the regular NBA season can feel like a grind because of the sheer number of games being played, there are definite ways to gain a betting edge early on. 

Not unlike most major sports markets, predicting the outcome of a game of basketball can be difficult. This is why it’s so important to have a proper NBA betting strategy. 

Below is a basic guide for what you need to know when betting on NBA-level basketball. 

Get In Early

When betting on the NBA, the ultimate trick is to get in as early as possible on the daily run. 

Since the NBA is such a huge market, information about injuries and other difficulties tends to spread like wildfire. Getting your bet in early in the day will prevent all the value getting sucked from the line before you even get a chance to shop for value. 

Getting in early means becoming a consistent beater of the closing line. 

Become An Injury-Expert

NBA injuries play a deciding role in the outcomes of games. Since only 5 players take to the court at any given time, each individual player will have a larger-than-life impact on the outcome of a game. 

This is why it is vital to remain on top of injury-related news. While betting early in the day is best, sports bettors must always be available later during the day to take note of injuries and changes to line-ups. 

Another important aspect to remain mindful of is that of the management of workload. For this reason, it is helpful to understand exactly how different coaches approach different situations. 

Also, keep in mind that coaches often dish out information about their game-plan during press conferences. 

Shopping For Value

Shopping for the best possible value is vital for any market. When deciding to make a strategic bet on the NBA, it is important to shop around for the lines with the best value attached to them. 

Track Your Bets

Just like when betting on any other sport or playing online blackjack real money games, tracking your NBA bets will help you learn and grow. 

By keeping a record of all your bets, you’ll get to track not only your actual running performance, but also make the most of an opportunity to improve. 

About Live Betting

Live betting has become super-popular among fans of the NBA. This form of wagering allows the punter to place a bet after the start of a game, and as such, make decisions that are more informed. 

When betting live on a game of basketball, be sure to keep the following in mind: 

  • Keep an eye on rotations. Learning how rotations work, and how they affect outcome, is the key to live betting success. 
  • Bet only during commercial breaks or game-stoppages. This will allow you to keep your attention on what’s happening on the court. 
  • Make the most of “bad data”. Learn how to use pricing mistakes in your favour. 
  • Remember that basketball is a running game, and that volatility can be capitalised on. 

About Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an associate editor at The Sports Daily, and has covered the San Diego Chargers for Bleacher Report. He also writes for Sportsdirect Inc.
